Jackie Kuang’s Blog
Tending Our Inner and Outer Gardens
June Invitation from Nature
I wonder if the month of June is inviting you to notice small things - tiny treasures right "under your nose" or in front of your eyes that you would pass by without giving them any attention. I'd be curious to know what you may find when you slow down and start to pay attention to the little details in your surrounding.
What have you been drawn to in Nature in this special time of the year? Might they have been colorful blossoms of Spring or other new lives being born out of Earth?
I've been drawn to noticing the various bird nests in my yard. Do you know how many hummingbird nests I've found so far? Five! It was lovely to see two babies grow up and testing their wings in the nest outside of my kitchen window. And one day, they were gone! I think I see them flying free, and coming back for nectar from my hummingbird feeders.
I wonder if the month of June is inviting you to notice small things - tiny treasures right "under your nose" or in front of your eyes that you would pass by without giving them any attention. I'd be curious to know what you may find when you slow down and start to pay attention to the little details in your surrounding.
A few quick announcements. I have one more full moon forest bathing walk scheduled for June 25, and would love to see you or the friends you might refer my way. I've been guiding in person walks lately and enjoy them so much! If you're local or have friends near Prescott AZ, I'd love to meet you or guide you in person. I'm also being certified as an EcoNIDRA teacher and may add this deeply relaxing service to my page soon, so stay tuned.
hummingbird mommy sitting in her nest
Earth Dreaming on Earth Day
Dear friends,
Yellow Columbine Flowers
Today we are celebrating Earth day! This day was created by a North American called Gaylord Nelson on April 22, 1970 to bring awareness to the problems of contamination, conservation of biodiversity and other environmental concerns in order to protect our beautiful Earth.
I received a "Happy Earth Day" greeting from my son two days ago and he asked me how I plan to celebrate it. I told him that everyday is Earth Day for me and I celebrate the abundance of beautiful offerings from Mother Earth daily. In many parts of the world, it is Springtime and the new life springing up everywhere is just so uplifting!
The happy mellow yellow blossoms are popping up in my yard, like the columbine flowers, the dandelions, and the daffodils. Each flower looks like a kiss from the Earth and I feel so loved walking and meandering in the yard. I hold the question - what can I ever give back to Mother Earth for the abundant gifts showered on me everyday?
So I pay attention and give thanks! I tend to the plant and animal lives around me. And I guide forest bathing walks in the forest by opening the doors to full presence and sensory connection.
This past Tuesday, I had the honor of guiding a wonderful nature-lover who drove 2 hours to Prescott for an in-person guided walk. We had a magical and tranquil time in the forest. She told me "I didn't go far physically but I went really far in this two hour period". My heart felt like dancing hearing that. On the way out, I took a beer bottle and a soda can I found littering on the forest floor out with me. I had the distinct feeling that this little act of caring was appreciated by my forest.
On this Earth Day, more forest bathing walks are dreamed through me. There are two more remotely guided full moon walks coming up - one this month and one in May. I'm looking forward to some of you joining me on one of these walks listed on my website!
I wonder, what might Earth be dreaming through you right now?
Happy Spring!
- Jackie "Dancing Light"
Tea in the Vegetable Garden
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox
Dear friends,
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!
I consulted “dr. Google” to find what this year is shaping up to be. So, in the Chinese Zodiac, the Ox is a symbol of hard work and perseverance. 2021 is going to be a year when work will get rewarded. I love what I found. How about you?
Another thing I love is guiding Full Moon Forest Bathing Walks. I had a great group of lovely women join the January 28th walk under the full wolf moon and it was magical for me. I was trekking through more than 2 feet of snow in my backyard to guide this walk, and the crunching sound of snow beneath my feet was quite captivating.
I shared the following poem as a way to close the walk during tea on a boulder. I hope you’ll enjoy the poem as much as the walk participants did that day:
Admit something:
Everyone you see, you say to them, “Love me.”
Of course you do not do this out loud, otherwise
Someone would call the cops.
Still, though, think about this, this great pull in us to connect.
Why not become the one who lives with a
Full moon in each eye that is always saying,
With that sweet moon language, what every other eye in
This world is dying to hear? —-Hafiz
Looking ahead, a few exciting things are coming up. In addition to guiding another full moon walk on February 27 (If you’re available that day, I’d love to have you join me!), here is a course I’m looking forward to joining as a participant – Alchemy of Forest Therapy, facilitated by none other than M. Amos Clifford, founder of the world’s leader of forest therapy guide training programs.
Wishing You A Fantastic 2021
Dear Friends,
I hope that you’ve had some good times during the holiday season, despite the challenges presented by the Covid surge in many places. My holidays are mostly quiet, except for a few days of family visits. I’ve been enjoying the changing winter light and finding myself sleep more in the long winter nights.
One highlight during the holidays is a full moon forest bathing walk I guided on 12/30/2020. Some of you were there with me! It was a chilly day and I wasn’t sure if I would see the full moon that day. At tea with candlelight, the glorious moon rose from the horizon and I felt so mesmerized by it!
I miss traveling and being physically close to my friends and relatives. How about you? What do you miss? Perhaps the beginning of the new year is a good time to make a wishlist or a vision board? My list is getting pretty long. Among the many things that will lift up my spirits is guiding full moon forest bathing walks. Please visit my website for 2021 dates. Each $25 walk that you pay for will not only give you access to the unique experience, but also help sponsor a free spot for any frontline health worker or someone who has financial hardship.
I look forward “seeing” you on the “trail”!
Filled with Gratitude and Hope
Dear Friends,
As 2020 begins to wind down, I invite you to reflect back, and also to stay open to what lies ahead. As I reflect back, I’m filled with gratitude for my family, friends, neighbors, and supporters including all of you!
I want to acknowledge that 2020 has been difficult and unusual for all of us. And yet we continue to find joy and solace in Nature and among each other, as we participate in Forest Bathing, to slow our minds down and to offer the quality of our attention to the natural world we live in.
As I look forward, I’m filled with hope for a healthier and more peaceful 2021, and I’m so happy that I have all of you to share it with! I will continue to guide monthly forest therapy walks, hopefully some in-person ones too. If you’ve enjoyed your experiences with me, please help me spread this practice by telling others about it. I’m doing my part in promoting this wonderful practice. I recently had a short promo video made. Take 1 minute to view it and enjoy!
With Love for this Earth and each other,
Jackie Kuang
How to Nature Bathe Episode 3
I had the pleasure of interviewing my colleague and friend Vix via Zoom. She lives in a piece of paradise called the Great Barrier Island. I’ll never forget the big tree swing by the ocean, a surprise “Buddha cave”, the beautifully colored gem rocks on the shore, and the playful dolphins that came to swim with us in the bay. Here’s an episode in which Vix showed us her special tree on the other side of the Pacific, and offered a delightful invitation to notice nature patterns. Enjoy and comment if you’d like.
How to Nature Bathe Episode 2
Enjoy a piece of Costa Rica!
In this episode, my friend and co-trainer Manuela shows off her wildish garden and why she has decided not to mow her lawn. She also offers an enjoyable sensory invitation at the end. Enjoy!
How to Nature Bathe Episode 1
ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy Guides and Programs) trainer and guide Ronna in the Canadian Rockies shares about her practices of deepening nature relation during Covid-19, science of the positive impact of forest bathing on our nervous system, and a Pleasure of Presence invitation for viewers to experience on their own. Enjoy this 10 minute video and let me know how you feel after following the invitation for just a few minutes at the end. I was so surprised at the tangible difference in my body in just 3 minutes!
Nature Connection Practices
ANFT trainer and guide Jackie in Prescott Arizona shares about discovering a wild tea plant, her practices deepening nature relation during Covid-19, and an invitation for viewers to experience one of the practices on their own.